Latest update March 22nd, 2025 6:44 AM
Please permit me space in your publication to address several issues surrounding the recently held GFF elections which was conducted at an Extraordinary Congress, a forum which is used for emergency purposes, of which an Election of executives do not fall under that category. This is the first of a series of missives that will highlight the egregious nature of the recently held elections.
Question #1
1. What are your thoughts on the fact that Concacaf justified and gave legality to the staging of the Electoral Congress at the recently held Extraordinary Congress, a forum that is often used for emergency deliberations and matters?
Firstly, I am not surprised of the GFF imposing their will on the membership that was selected and aided by the Forde led administration to support the wishes of the Federation without any objection, except for those Members Association who refused to attend knowing that their voice will be drowned against the Forde supporters led by a Former GFF President, who I thought knows better, but instead compromised right (Truth) for wrong (Falsehood).
A significant omission which is missing from the Agenda is the Audited Financial Report for the previous year and the Appointment of Auditors for the GFF. I take it that financial accountability is not required prior to the Selection/Election of Executives of the GFF. What a calamity.
Secondly. The constitution is very clear on the specifics regarding the use of Article 28: Ordinary Congress and Article 30: Extraordinary Congress. To date, before, during and after the Extraordinary congress being convened on Saturday November 9, 2019, no reason was given to the members via notices for an emergency election, while knowing four (4) years ago of the date of elections in 2019. What is the reason for emergency Elections of the executive committee?
To compound the hidden intent, the GFF held an Extraordinary congress on August 18, 2019 and did not make any mention of elections forthcoming before the end of 2019, which is a mere two months and three weeks after the August Congress, as the timeline proved that the incumbent had an hidden agenda to impose elections without giving the membership preparation time to form a slate to contest.
An elections at an extraordinary congress is not improper or in contravention of the constitution. Extraordinary congresses are used for special and urgent circumstances. In this case no such situation existed. In FIFA President Infantino’s case, as mentioned by Mr. Leal, Chief Officer of Member Association, the election was held at an Extraordinary Congress, which is a fact, but he failed to explain to the Congress and the local Media during his Press Conference held immediately after the Congress that the election to elect the current FIFA President Infantino at an Extraordinary Congress, was held because of the resignation of the then President Sept Blatter that constituted reason for an Emergency Congress (Extraordinary) to fulfill the vacancy emerged from Blatter resignation before his term of office, which is consistent with article 25 of FIFA Statues and article 30 & 34 of the GFF Constitution.
In fact, the Extraordinary (Emergency) Congress was for the sole purpose of filling a vacancy and not for Election of a new Executive, as in this case. What was the GFF Reason for Extraordinary??????????.
Article 34 Composition
5. Each slate of candidates must be sent to the General Secretariat. The official slates of candidates must be passed to the Members along with the agenda for the relevant Congress.
9. If more than fifty percent of the positions of the Executive Committee become vacant, the Emergency Committee shall convene an Extraordinary Congress in order to proceed to new elections for a new mandate. If the Emergency Committee lacks the required quorum, the General Secretary shall convene an Extraordinary Congress within the prescribed period of time.
The above article (34) never exists to constitute an Emergency Elections.
Mr. Forde told the media during the press briefing after the congress that the GFF had written to FIFA Seeking an extension of Elections and was told that they cannot go beyond two weeks of the election date, hence the reason for the Extraordinary Congress.
Let’s examine the official date of the elections of the GFF, which is mandatory in the constitution of GFF that Congress shall be held every year on or before 31st May. This date is
to coincide with FIFA Ordinary Congress of June of every year and elections of executive committee on the said date every four years. So which date Mr. Forde is referring to that FIFA only give the GFF two weeks extension to conduct its elections?????????????.
The FIFA Normalization Committee headed by Mr. Clinton Urling set a date for election on the 14 November, 2015 after completing its task of regularizing the conduct of Governance on FIFA’s behalf, thereafter allowing its members to choose an executive of their choice to govern the sport. This date of November 14 for the election did not change the mandated date prescribed in the constitution. If this is accepted by FIFA it means that after the FIFA Ordinary Congress to elect an executive for a new term the GFF new executives will not be able to attend FIFA Congress to exercise their Membership rights, because they will be taking up office after June of FIFA Ordinary Congress for Election. Such action will also mean that FIFA is condoning this breach for support at the June 5, 2019 FIFA Presidential Election that Swiss National Gianni Infantino was reelected by acclamation as the sole candidate at the FIFA Congress in Paris. (to be continued)
Collin “BL” Aaron
Former FIFA MA’S Referee Instructor / Assessor
Editor’s Note:
Due to the length of this missive, Kaieteur Sport will carry it in parts over a few days so readers can get the full picture of what the writer is saying in order to form your own opinions.
Breach of Election Conduct of the GFF Constitution: (letter continued)
…Mr. Marco Leal, who is the Chief Officer of Member Association of Concacaf / FIFA, used his Office to mislead the Football Fraternity of Guyana once again. Our media leaves much to be desired to allow such a person to mislead them by his response to the media houses, questioning the hosting of normal mandated elections via Extraordinary Congress (Emergency), instead of the prescribed Ordinary Congress for due elections every four (4) years. I am sure that this does not reflect the will of Concacaf and FIFA to mislead a Football (Soccer) Nation.
I will look forward to Concacaf and FIFA issuing an official statement on this matter. Except for a few, our media operatives lack knowledge and should research prior to any engagement. You must be prepared to ask the hard questions and know the answers.
Mr. Leal direct response to the media and I quote “We (Concacaf) usually recommend that elections be held at extraordinary congresses because the agenda are usually smaller and more focus can be paid to the election process,” Leal concluded. In my 40 plus years in the sport, it is the first time I heard of Concacaf and FIFA advising its members to make a constitution procedural change without recommending an amendment to the constitution, including that of CFU, Concacaf and FIFA. This is a breach of the GFF constitution to host a constitutionally mandated General Election under Extraordinary Congress without more than fifty percent of the
Members to make such a request in writing, or without a reason by the Executive Committee for an Emergency Congress. This process takes away and rob the members of their constitution rights, since the GFF, CFU, CONCACAF and FIFA Statues (constitution) was not amended to accommodate such change for mandated elections from Ordinary to Extraordinary Congress, nullifying the prescribed agenda to conduct Constitution Mandated Elections under Ordinary Congress.
Elections cover a four (4) years period and a lot has to be discuss and all the Members have an opportunity to form the agenda items through the mandated agenda under Ordinary Congress, which covered all aspects of the sport going forward, as against Extra Ordinary (Emergency) Congress the agenda only reflect the will of who called the Extra Ordinary (Emergency) Congress and in this case it was the Federation (GFF) who called the Extraordinary (Emergency) Congress and formed the agenda to suit their interest and not the interest of all.
So if it is true, as mentioned by Mr. Leal that Concacaf is recommending that elections be held under Extraordinary (Emergency) Congress, is a sad day for the sport in Concacaf, as any time a member could solicit support of their colleagues (Member Association) and decide that after two Months they don’t like the direction of the sport and call an Extraordinary (Emergency) Congress and form the agenda of Elections only to outs a member or the entire executives. Just think about the message Mr. Leal sending to the Fraternity.
There is a lot of issues to be discuss at the Congress level, especially within the Referee’s Fraternity and suspended and dismissals of officials that the agenda did not cover and left for a third 3rd Congress which in itself is unconstitutional, with individuals serving provisional suspension and dismissal by the Executive and have not been ratified by Congress. Provisional Suspensions only lasted for three (3) months and not exceeding six (6) months when Ordinary Congress is due, failing, the suspension is dismissed immediately. Yet still officials are serving over 10 months.
A significant omission which is missing from the Agenda is the Audited Financial Report for the previous year and the Appointment of Auditors for the GFF. I take it that financial accountability is not required prior to the Selection/Election of Executives of the GFF. What a calamity.
Mr. Marco Leal responsibility at the congress was merely (observer) to overlook the conduct of the elections on behalf of Concacaf and FIFA, while the elections is mandated by the constitution of the federation (GFF) to be conducted by secret ballot and in accordance with the Electoral Code of the Federation and shall (MUST) be organised and supervised by the Electoral Committee of the Federation (GFF).
I will refute Mr. Leal, the Concacaf and FIFA representative here to observe the election as Chief Officer of Members Association. Mr. Leal failed to follow and respect that there are mandated criteria to be observed before an Extraordinary Congress can be call and convened, his explanation that provision is being made under Extraordinary Congress is correct and can be call at any time by the Executive of the Federation (GFF), but no reason was given for such election under Extraordinary Congress.
Mr. Clinton Urling made a few comments regarding the Extra Ordinary Congress and the reduction of the life of the incumbent by Seven (7) Months and Mr. Marco Leal refute it by saying and I quote, “This was also confirmed as inaccurate that since the current GFF ExCo was first elected in November 11th, 2015, it meant that their mandate would have ended on Monday November 11th, 2019,” End of quote. This too is totally wrong and misleading by Mr. Leal, as the Chief Officer of Concacaf Members Association. The mandate of the Executives ends on May 31, 2019 according the Constitution and not on the date elections was last held.
What Mr. Urling was on record saying, is that the Constitution mandate of the Ordinary Congress shall be held every year on or before 31st May and since the election was held on November 11, 2015, rather than robbing the Mr. Forde led administration of their full time in office by seven (7) months, they should go on and regularize the constituted mandate and hold Elections under the constitution mandated date for Ordinary Congress on or before May 31, 2020 instead of November 2019. (letter to be continued)
Collin “BL” Aaron
Former FIFA MA’S Referee Instructor / Assessor
(letter continued)
…Mr. Marco Leal, who is the Chief Officer of Member Association of Concacaf / FIFA, used his Office to mislead the Football Fraternity of Guyana once again. Our media leaves much to be desired to allow such a person to mislead them by his response to the media houses, questioning the hosting of normal mandated elections via Extraordinary Congress (Emergency), instead of the prescribed Ordinary Congress for due elections every four (4) years. I am sure that this does not reflect the will of Concacaf and FIFA to mislead a Football (Soccer) Nation.
I will look forward to Concacaf and FIFA issuing an official statement on this matter. Except for a few, our media operatives lack knowledge and should research prior to any engagement. You must be prepared to ask the hard questions and know the answers.
Mr. Leal direct response to the media and I quote “We (Concacaf) usually recommend that elections be held at extraordinary congresses because the agenda are usually smaller and more focus can be paid to the election process,” Leal concluded. In my 40 plus years in the sport, it is the first time I heard of Concacaf and FIFA advising its members to make a constitution procedural change without recommending an amendment to the constitution, including that of CFU, Concacaf and FIFA. This is a breach of the GFF constitution to host a constitutionally mandated General Election under Extraordinary Congress without more than fifty percent of the
Members to make such a request in writing, or without a reason by the Executive Committee for an Emergency Congress. This process takes away and rob the members of their constitution rights, since the GFF, CFU, CONCACAF and FIFA Statues (constitution) was not amended to accommodate such change for mandated elections from Ordinary to Extraordinary Congress, nullifying the prescribed agenda to conduct Constitution Mandated Elections under Ordinary Congress.
Elections cover a four (4) years period and a lot has to be discuss and all the Members have an opportunity to form the agenda items through the mandated agenda under Ordinary Congress, which covered all aspects of the sport going forward, as against Extra Ordinary (Emergency) Congress the agenda only reflect the will of who called the Extra Ordinary (Emergency) Congress and in this case it was the Federation (GFF) who called the Extraordinary (Emergency) Congress and formed the agenda to suit their interest and not the interest of all.
So if it is true, as mentioned by Mr. Leal that Concacaf is recommending that elections be held under Extraordinary (Emergency) Congress, is a sad day for the sport in Concacaf, as any time a member could solicit support of their colleagues (Member Association) and decide that after two Months they don’t like the direction of the sport and call an Extraordinary (Emergency) Congress and form the agenda of Elections only to outs a member or the entire executives. Just think about the message Mr. Leal sending to the Fraternity.
There is a lot of issues to be discuss at the Congress level, especially within the Referee’s Fraternity and suspended and dismissals of officials that the agenda did not cover and left for a third 3rd Congress which in itself is unconstitutional, with individuals serving provisional suspension and dismissal by the Executive and have not been ratified by Congress. Provisional Suspensions only lasted for three (3) months and not exceeding six (6) months when Ordinary Congress is due, failing, the suspension is dismissed immediately. Yet still officials are serving over 10 months.
A significant omission which is missing from the Agenda is the Audited Financial Report for the previous year and the Appointment of Auditors for the GFF. I take it that financial accountability is not required prior to the Selection/Election of Executives of the GFF. What a calamity.
Mr. Marco Leal responsibility at the congress was merely (observer) to overlook the conduct of the elections on behalf of Concacaf and FIFA, while the elections is mandated by the constitution of the federation (GFF) to be conducted by secret ballot and in accordance with the Electoral Code of the Federation and shall (MUST) be organised and supervised by the Electoral Committee of the Federation (GFF).
I will refute Mr. Leal, the Concacaf and FIFA representative here to observe the election as Chief Officer of Members Association. Mr. Leal failed to follow and respect that there are mandated criteria to be observed before an Extraordinary Congress can be call and convened, his explanation that provision is being made under Extraordinary Congress is correct and can be call at any time by the Executive of the Federation (GFF), but no reason was given for such election under Extraordinary Congress.
Mr. Clinton Urling made a few comments regarding the Extra Ordinary Congress and the reduction of the life of the incumbent by Seven (7) Months and Mr. Marco Leal refute it by saying and I quote, “This was also confirmed as inaccurate that since the current GFF ExCo was first elected in November 11th, 2015, it meant that their mandate would have ended on Monday November 11th, 2019,” End of quote. This too is totally wrong and misleading by Mr. Leal, as the Chief Officer of Concacaf Members Association. The mandate of the Executives ends on May 31, 2019 according the Constitution and not on the date elections was last held.
What Mr. Urling was on record saying, is that the Constitution mandate of the Ordinary Congress shall be held every year on or before 31st May and since the election was held on November 11, 2015, rather than robbing the Mr. Forde led administration of their full time in office by seven (7) months, they should go on and regularize the constituted mandate and hold Elections under the constitution mandated date for Ordinary Congress on or before May 31, 2020 instead of November 2019. (letter to be continued)
Collin “BL” Aaron
Former FIFA MA’S Referee Instructor / Assessor
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